Sunday, August 30, 2009

Its landslide victory for one and wretch miss for other

SO , finally the pandemonium over the elections is over , in hindsight a decent ending perhaps. Every year ,with candidature getting cancelled seems to becoming a rule in bits ,getting sms from some obscure number to vote for PRIDE, for NONE(people plz wake up and smell the coffee,i don't know what's the definition of pride for them, but i do know 1 thing, they seriously need to introspect themselves ,if being a bitsian they can't figure out of what they really want from election.) and the big daddies and arbiters of politics assuming centerstage in the later fortnight of the month didn't seem to help.This election has really spun some interesting numbers for statistics buffs.viz the winning candidate pulverizing its opponents getting almost double vote and of course a landslide victory, which has two connotations-either people have voted for him or have voted against the losing candidate.
As the old adage goes
"i never voted for somebody , i always voted against",the day people shed this mentality, i guess it will be win for democracy.

In stark contrast , we bitsians perhaps witnessed the closest fight ever for gen sec in the history of BITS, winner pipping his opponent by a narrow margin of 12 votes .It just left me ponder what's going to be aftermath of election, for many will be cursing themselves for what they have just done and would to give arm and leg if they could go back in time ,for they have had sleepless nights in the past just for the D day .Obviously it's going to take while for the one's involved intricately in poli-tick to recuperate from hangover of elections.Newaz best of luck for winning candidates , for half the journey is over , now the tough phase starts to live up to the expectations of bitsians as those will be the one's wearing the insignia representing BITS PILANI.The hullabuloo is still not over and i can still hear the supporters rejoicing and their shout dying at a distance.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tussle over reality shows!!!

Spending vacations @home this vacations was quite happening this time unlike last year monotonous as the schedule for 2 months was too cluttered with ps,sojourn at Ahmedabad ,hometown ranchi and expedition to agra.Obviously later in the vacations, the spark was provided by journey to sanctimonious place deoghar and as always reality shows succeeded in holding on to their own in this vast sea of soap operas's .Ground breaking shows like rakhi ka swayamvar n sach ka saamna gives u strong reasons to glue urself to idiot box.Some believe, airing of such programmes are portents of adapting to western thinking or just a worthless effort to ape western culture that may end up ruining life of many just for the mouthwatering incentive of handsome money and fame. What i am unable to fathom is the vociferous manner in which poiliticians are raising hue and cry over the issue.Obviously there are many other relevent issues that requires immediate attention viz curbing rising menace of swine flu , drought.but huh.. perhaps broaching these issues in the parliament won't get them media attention or may be they are worried that its going be be their turn on the hotseat in sach ka saamna .Its really mind boggling that in the country of gandhiji , now an issue is being made about speaking truth in public.I really dont thing that there is anything to be worried about burgeoning number of reality shows,for you can't keep on feeding the public with same saas-bahu soap opera everytime untill its really polluting young minds or having a negative effect on them.obviously this is polemical issue with pro's and cons on each side .I think its b8r to leave the decision in the hands of viewers for they know what's best for them.If serial TRP's are not good,people are obviously snubbing the show pulling down curtains over the show ,and if so, i don't think there are reasons to be worried for these politicians over its repercussions on the society.

Friday, August 14, 2009


With nearly four thousand students thronging the campus on 1st of august, campus has come lively after a lull of nearly 3 months. With the ragging rules getting more stringent and newspapers flooded with the news of seniors being fined or expelled, first yearites getting luckier this time but not anymore. With the campaigning kicking off from 14 th ,till end of august , campus is gonna be abuzz with politics , hustings, breach of faith, betrayal, erosion of long term friendship for people whom u barely know more than name n face and many more side effects it come with, Life is going to be too busy for juices listening everyone’s opinion repetitively. I am afraid ,with 3to 4 candidates going for posts at the helm,they would find it hard to find some peace time for them as allies of each candidate ud wanna woo and hog his vote. I just wonder if this aspect of election in BITS is gonna fill them with frisson for as always there ud be people having conviction to prove their bitsat score wrong and longing to make a mark in their life ,and then there will be people who will say BITS is what they craved for and got it, hence deadend for the toil they have been putting for past few years oblivious to rule of survival of fittest.. Obvious some will start harbouring dreams for prez ,hreps ergo becoming ambassadors for some candidate ,falling for the bait for posts. and few of them cornering themselves from election making lib their nxt home zeroing in their target of vertical transfer and carrying on the habit of topping till now, as might have been the case in their coveted or nondescript schools alike. Whatever may be the fate of elections, those candidate will tryout every bow in their quiver to get as many vote as possible ,be it sharing common geographical boundaries , clout of seniors, clubs n depts. ,spurious manifesto points, which hardly get fulfilled with the exception like last year. With the dramatic turnaround of events last year during election with none outvoting its counterpart, EC taking groundbreaking decisions casting shadow over its future , let’s hope this time or anytime bitsians don’ t get to witness such election, and looking at the silverlining of lots of candidates to choose from, let’s hope best candidate gets elected who can emulate last year stupendous show of hard work put up by SU raising the bar of college fests to a new high.

As the old adage goes-

During an election, campaign is full of air and air full of campaign" let’s wish former proves wrong.